Primary Curriculum
March 30, 2024 2024-04-20 6:08Primary Curriculum
Welcome to BIS Primary!

Grades 2 to 4

Meet Our Students
Subjects and progression
Core subjects include English, Mathematics, Science and MOE subjects Arabic, Islamic Education and Social studies. We also provide children the creative subjects to supplement learning through Art, Physical Education, ICT, Robotics in grades 3 & 4, Library and French and Urdu are offered from Grade 2 as an additional language for all students. Students may opt for either of the two.
E-safety, Digital Citizenship and Moral education are integrated in all subjects and are taught separately as well to enable our students to meet the needs of technology in the future.
As per our assessment policy, we aim to raise standards of achievement throughout the school and to ensure consistency in assessing achievement and identifying achievable targets for each.
Teachers use both formative and summative assessment tools to gather the best evidence to identify students’ progress and achievement as per the curriculum standards through ongoing assessment.